


ARDEX can trace its roots back from 1960 to the foundation of ARDEX Chemie GmbH in Witten-Annen, Germany. Since then the Group has grown steadily to achieve world-wide sales in excess of €690 million.


1949? ? ? ? ? ?established in the German city of Norwag-werke GmbH


1950? ? ? ? ? ?company?renamed?Ardex?Chemie?GmbH

1954? ? ? ? ???company?renamed?Ardex?Chemie?GmbH

1957? ? ? ? ? ??Set up?Ardex?Noval?S.A?in?France.

1959? ? ? ? ? ??New?factory?building?1th?and the?first?underground?storage

1960? ? ? ? ? ??Set up?Ardex?U.K?Ltd.?in?Lille,?England.

1961? ? ? ? ? ? ?Arduplan?2026-the first?wall?filler

1962? ? ? ? ? ??Launch?Ardit?Z?8–?Global?First?fast?dry?cement?ground?filler

1967? ? ? ? ? ??established?Ardex?Skandinavia?Group?in?Heilerup,?Denmark

1968? ? ? ? ? ??Launch?Ardurit?X?7?g–?Today?is?still?the?first?class?thin?mortar?in?the?Austrian?city?of?Loosdorf?established?Ardex?Baustoff?GmbH

1969? ? ? ? ? ? ?launched?Arducret?B?12?concrete?filler?launched?Mastit?K?10

1975? ? ? ? ? ? ?Introduction of Ardurapid 77, within one hour can be continued construction of the coating-type ground filler

1976? ? ? ? ? ? ?introduction?of the?Unified?industry?standard?of?K?15--self-leveling?materials

1978? ? ? ? ? ? ?Set up?Ardex?Inc.?in the?United States?Pittsburg.

1980? ? ? ? ? ? Launch "Wittener schnellzement 32,5 r-sf"

1982? ? ? ? ? ??New?Training?and?Research?Center?opened?in?Witten

1992? ? ? ? ? ??obtain?DIN?ISO?9002?certification

1993? ? ? ? ? ??D?Teng?Plant?part?II?put into?production

1995? ? ? ? ? ? acquires Sweden's Arki trading company, which is the market leader in the Andean product field

1996-1997? introduction of a variety of flooring adhesives, and the Andean floor filler composition Products

1998? ? ? ? ? ? introduction of powdered parquet Adhesives Ardex P410.?Set up?Ardex?Polska?Sp.?Z.?o.o.?and?Ardex?Cemento?S.A.

1999? ? ? ? ? ??Introduction?of?Tile?Binder?Ardurit?x?5?and?Ardurit?x?7?G?Plus

2000? ? ? ? ? ?acquisition of W.W Henry Company.

2001? ? ? ? ? ?Establishment?of?Ardex?OY?in?Finland

2001? ? ? ? ? ?Acquisitions Norcros Adhesives Co., Ltd. and Norcros Building products Pty, including office space in Southeast Asia, China and the Pacific Rim region

2002? ? ? ? ? ?Introduction of Pandomo (Pan-Mordor) Decorative Flooring

2005? ? ? ? ? ?Acquisitions Lugato GmbH & Co. KG.?Ardex?Middle?East?FZE?was?established?inDubai

2007? ? ? ? ? ?Established?Ardex?Korea?Inc.

2009? ? ? ? ? ?1-stream?mixing?equipment?put?into?production?in?the?City?of?Victoria

2011? ? ? ? ? ? acquisition?of?Madrid?Seire?products,?S.L.

2012? ? ? ? ? ?Asia?has?acquired?most?of the?shares?of?the?Asian?Quicseal?construction?Thor?Company

2013? ? ? ? ? ?Asia?to?acquire?most?shares?in?New Zealand?Cemix?Co., ltd